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Beschreibung: The lengthy program signed by Aglaїa Mītropoulou presents the distinctions Greg Talas as well as few words on his life and work of the filmmaker. The plot of the film concerns the ‘story of 160 children, who after being chased away from the orphanage by the Germans, create in Athens a good hearted gang that steals the Germans and the black marketers in order to support themselves and others. The program characterizes the film as an “amazing new realistic film” without any melodramatic exaggeration, emphasizes the art of the montage, the rhythm and the photography of the film in spite of the usage of “out of date equipment” and the “authentic” performances. The program ends with a caustic comment on the indifference of the Greek cinema and TV producers towards the multi talented Gregg Tallas.
Anbieter: Tainiothiki tis Ellados